In India to do food business, every food business operators have to take food license which is one of the most important licenses which is controlled by Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) under FSS (Licensing & Registration of Food Business) Regulations 2011. Today most of the people become health conscious and before buying a food product they have to check the quality of the product is free from adulteration, contamination and it has hygienic components as per standard. FSSAI Registration ensure that all the food product is safe for consumption. Most of the people prefer FSSAI certify products for their consumption.

How to file FSSAI Registration Form?
Applicant have to fill form A carefully and all the details should be correct while mentioning in the respective form
# Step 1 Select the kind of business in which category you fall in form A, whether they are Retailer/ hawker/ manufacturer etc.
# Step 2 mention the clear Name of individual or Company
# Step 3 designation should be select whether individual/partner/ proprietor/ secretary of the dairy co-operative society and other if any please specify the same.
# Step 4 a copy of Id proof like driving license, Aadhaar card, passport, Ration card etc. must be attached to the form.
# Step 5 correspondence address along with valid telephone number as well as email id.
# Step 6 area or location where food business is to be conducted/Address of the premises
# Step 7 applicant or Company have to specify the description of the food which is going to be manufactured or sold.
# Step 8 in case of the new business tentative date of business start must be mention in the specified form. In case of seasonal business mention opening and closing year.
# Step 9 select the source of water supply whether it is a private supply/ public supply or any other source.
# Step 10 Specify any electric power is used in the manufacture of the food items or not.
# Step 11 Affix the passport size photograph of the applicant in Form “A”.
After the satisfying all the details in the form then FSSAI registration fees have to be paid along with this form, attach the copy of Demand draft or cash as per Food Safety and Standards (Licensing and Registration) Regulations, 2011
In addition to above for getting license whether state or central, form B have to be filled.
If the technically qualified person in charge of operations required to mention the Online FSSAI License in India
Telephone number
Email address
Photo identity card with expiry date
Details of the person responsible for complying with conditions of the license
Telephone number
Email address
Photo identity card with expiry date
Details of the manufacturer if they have a unit in which analytical laboratory equipped if yes then specify the details.
Specify the installed capacity of the food product per day
In case of dairy products Location and installed capacity of Milk Chilling Centers (MCC), Bulk Milk Cooling Centers (BMCs)/ Milk Processing Unit/ in liters owned or managed by the applicant.
Last step applicant has to sign the form before submission and after 45-60 days FSSAI grant license to food business operators after the inspection and satisfaction. Which is valid for 1 to 5 years as per chosen by the applicant by filing form.