EPS is a pension scheme of EPF for employees working in the organized sector in the private sector. In this pension scheme, 8.33 percent of your basic salary is credited during the job. In place of this, after retirement, a fixed monthly pension provides to the employee. Thus, the government provides social security to the employee and his family through the

Eligibility to receive EPS benefits
The eligibility criteria for availing EPS benefits are mentioned below:
You should be a member of the EPF Scheme of the Government of India.
Tenure of service should be for a minimum of 10 years.
The employee should have attained the age of 58 years.
Selecting the pension option at age 50 yields a lower pension than an ordinary pension.
If you postpone the pension for 2 years (till 60 years of age), n this case, you get an increased amount of pension for every deferred year at the rate of 4% per year
An employee is entitled to a pension on the untimely death
The employee himself may also receive a pension if he is completely incapacitated.